Friday, October 4, 2024

Women of Beer: Mary Beth McWhirt of Round Trip Brewing


- Women of Beer: Mary Beth McWhirt
Mary Beth McWhirt
Round Trip Brewing
Atlanta, Georgia
By Kerri Allen
Round Trip Brewing Company prides itself on bringing German-inspired beers to the Atlanta, Georgia, market. Mary Beth McWhirt works as the lab manager and assistant brewer for this deliciously crafty brewery and serves as the chapter leader for the Atlanta Pink Boots Society.
While working towards her graduate degree in microbiology, Mary Beth worked as a bartender for a craft beer bar. She says, “The bar’s beer school training and classes with brewery sales reps ignited my passion for craft beer styles and sales.” After graduating from college, I sought quality control jobs in the brewing industry to combine my science background with my love for beer. Through mutual friends, I met Craig Mycoskie from Round Trip, and I've been here ever since.”
Embracing Education & Connections
Mary Beth also ranks as one of many brewers and craft beer industry workers who became a BJCP judge. In the mid-nineties, few female beer judges existed, even though initiatives existed to encourage women to join the ranks. Although familiar with the Beer Judge Certification Program, Mary Beth’s interest in joining came with Jen Blair’s training course aimed at increasing female judges. Mary Beth recalls, “Jen's weekly Zoom sessions covered sensory techniques, descriptive language, and beer-style breakdowns. The experience of training with a group of like-minded women was enriching. After completing the course and additional tastings, I took the exam. Judging around Atlanta has greatly enhanced my sensory skills and expanded my network.”
What has always made the craft beer community special are the relationships. At Round Trip, Mary Beth says, “We collaborate rather than compete, which strengthens the local beer scene.” This love of community shines as her favorite attribute of being part of a brewery. She acknowledges, “Although I’m not often behind the bar anymore, I love connecting with our customers and educating them about beer. Creating a product that brings people together and fosters an inclusive environment is incredibly rewarding. The Atlanta craft beer community has proven extremely supportive of Round Trip.”
A Taste for Tradition
In a market filled with pastry stouts, hazy IPAs and kettle-soured ales, Round Trip has focused on traditional styles since opening in 2021. Mary Beth notes, “This focus has been gratifying as the market shifts back to appreciating these styles. Being part of Round Trip's growth, from the early days of building the quality control program to our current expansion with a new location in East Cobb, has been an incredible journey.”
Transitioning from a science background and bartending to hands-on brewing has been Mary Beth's biggest challenge. She notes, “With a small team, I had to learn cellar work, packaging, brewing and quality control simultaneously.” With challenges come rewards. Mary Beth remarks, “My most rewarding moment involved brewing my first beer solo. Knowing that every Round Trip beer has been crafted by me is immensely satisfying.”
Diversity Leads to Success
Since the early reemergence of craft beers in the 1990s, we are finally seeing more women in the industry. When asked why women and minorities are vital to the industry, Mary Beth comments, “The industry should focus on not repelling interested individuals from diverse backgrounds. Many women, minorities, and LGBTQ+ people are interested in craft beer but face barriers like lack of opportunities or unsafe working conditions. Addressing these issues and removing those responsible for perpetuating them is crucial. The beer industry needs diverse perspectives to innovate and grow.”
For women in the craft beer industry, whether in sales, brewing, front of house, etc., The Pink Boots Society is a great organization and an excellent way to network with other women working in the industry. Mary Beth explains, “I encourage eligible individuals in the fermentation industries in Atlanta to join our local Pink Boots chapter for educational and scholarship opportunities.”
Let's all raise a toast to Round Trip's Mary Beth McWhirt for her creativity and dedication. Prost!

Friday, August 16, 2024

Highland Brewing's Leah Wong Ashburn


 Highland Brewing's Leah Wong Ashburn
Women of Beer:
Leah Wong Ashburn
CEO of Highland Brewing in Asheville, NC
By Kerri Allen
Leah Wong Ashburn's journey in the craft beer industry has been a dynamic and evolving one, shaped by her experiences and the influence of her father, Oscar Wong, founder of Highland Brewing in Asheville. Initially turned down for a brewery job by her father, Leah pursued roles outside the family business, gaining valuable experience in sales, marketing, and leadership. Leah acknowledges, “Being turned down for a job by my father was disappointing at the time, but now I know that gaining my own work experience outside the family business was the best move for everyone.” Eventually, in 2011, Leah joined Highland Brewing Company and gradually rose through the ranks to become President in 2015 and CEO in 2018.
Despite the challenges and pressures of leading the brewery during a period of industry growth and change, Leah found immense fulfillment in being a part of Highland Brewing, a company deeply ingrained in the Asheville community. She values the collaborative and supportive nature of the craft beer industry, where she can work with passionate individuals and continue to learn from expert brewers and scientists within the company. Leah shares, "What I love most about being part of a brewery is the beer we create and our brewery family that's deeply woven into the fabric of Asheville."
A Love for Asheville
When asked why Asheville is a special place for beer, Leah explains that the town is known for its independent spirit, stunning natural surroundings and vibrant, creative community. The region's abundant resources, including high-quality water for brewing, contribute to Asheville's reputation as a hub for craft beer enthusiasts. “We are surrounded by creators in beverages, music, art, food, clay, paint and much more," Leah declares. "We have incredible water for brewing. Our reservoirs are so close that they are visible from some of our hiking trails.”
To protect the water and gorgeous surroundings, Highland Brewing, under Leah’s guidance, has the brewery running on solar power. Highland boasts the sixth-largest solar array of all independent or craft breweries in the USA and the 22nd-largest worldwide. The wood used to build the bars at Highland's event center was harvested from brewery property, and the light poles in front of the center come from used kegs. "Our goals at Highland revolve around an ethos of reduce, reuse, and recycle,” Leah notes.
Leah takes pride in Highland Brewing's involvement in community programs. She explains, "We have a philanthropic program called Pints for Purpose, with proceeds going to five community partner organizations which focus on natural resources, people in need, animals in need, health, wellness and cultural resources."
A Head for Business
Leah acknowledges that a big challenge has been balancing the demands of her brewery role amidst industry shifts and external pressures. However, her dedication and leadership were evident in the successful rebranding of Highland Brewing in 2018, a decision that proved to be a rewarding milestone for the company. The rebrand tops Leah’s list of rewards as leader of Highland Brewing. She says, “I was immersed in it and believed in it. I took a lot of heat. More accurately, we received a lot of heat that I chose not to read. Rebranding paid for itself in one year, exceeding my expectations.”
Possessing good instincts and knowing your business can bring success, even in tough times. Leah shares, ”My biggest challenge has been accepting that I’ve done enough of the right things. With slowing growth, the pandemic, cost increases, changing staff needs and staff changes, it can be hard not to think about it constantly.”
Beer is for Everyone
Recognizing the importance of diversity and inclusion in the beer industry, Leah emphasizes the need for women and minorities to have a seat at the table. "Breweries can enhance their business practices and better connect with consumers by fostering a diverse workforce and welcoming a broader audience," she comments. “I found that having women in leadership positions attracts more women to the company at all levels. Beer is for everyone.”
Readers should definitely put a visit to Highland Brewery on their radar. As the first craft brewery in Asheville since Prohibition, Highland has achieved the rank of largest family-owned, female-led brewery in the Southeast. Under the thoughtful leadership of Leah Wong Ashburn, Highland Brewing continues to create exceptional beer and holds a revered place in the hearts of regional craft beer lovers.

Women of Beer: Jen Price


- Women of Beer: Jen Price
By Kerri Allen
Women exist everywhere in the beer industry. We focus on brewers, brewery owners and the like, but it takes many people to create a beer community. Jen Price (pictured to the right) ranks as one of these people. Jen founded Crafted for Action, an events company that builds community through safe, inclusive and welcoming experiences, including an annual conference. Jen also co-founded Craft Women Connect, a community of diverse women whose goal is to explore and connect through a shared love of craft beer.
Like many who find a home in the craft beer community, all it took was that first good craft beer to lure us in. When asked how craft beer became important to her and how she arrived at her current position, Jen answers, “I've loved beer my entire life, and my first taste of beer came from my dad when I was about five years old! I got introduced to craft beer during a college internship in the 90s. I was in Boulder, Colorado and had been accustomed to drinking pretty underwhelming beer until I was introduced to Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. I was immediately hooked! I spent the next few decades learning about craft beer and being in the 'mix' locally by volunteering at beer festivals and participating as a steward at homebrewing competitions. 
Early Motivations & Accomplishments
Jen remembers her disappointment at never seeing many people of color or women at these craft beer events, so she eventually started hosting her own tastings and pairing events with the goal of exposing a diverse crowd to the joys of great ales and lagers. "Diversity in this industry has always been really important to me," she says. "I then took the level one cicerone exam, self-published a book called The Chick's Guide to Beer and eventually started working toward my dream of opening a craft beer retail shop - The Atlanta Beer Boutique. I found a space in 2019 and built it out, but then the pandemic happened, and I basically lost everything that I invested in the space. This experience was the impetus for Crafted for Action, which I launched initially as a virtual conference. Now, the event is more of a hybrid format.” 
With some of the negativity documented over the last few years in the beer community towards women and people of color in the industry, it is essential to focus on the positive. Jen believes that the community aspect is what she loves most about being a part of the beer community. When building her business, Jen remembers, “ I reached out to so many people and potential competitors when opening the beer boutique, and everyone was willing to talk to me, give me advice, have a beer with me, and help review my business plan. People were honest with me about the challenges and lessons learned; almost everyone wanted to help me and see me win. The community aspect is why, after having to shutter the doors of my business before it even opened, I returned to the industry and launched a new business.”
Jen Prices taps a cask at Crafted for Action
Generating Interest & Support
What formed a big challenge for Jen when creating the conference? “Honestly, getting started and convincing myself that anyone would attend, participate in and support a black woman-produced beer conference worried me," she recalls. "Like lots of folks who find themselves in spaces where they may not totally feel they belong, I suffer greatly from imposter syndrome. It was hard for me to really believe that an annual conference would work.” Jen talks about her greatest reward by saying, "Ironically, seeing people actually show up to support the conference has been extremely satisfying." This level of support sounds like positive validation that these types of events are needed in the beer community.
A Demographic Offering Potential for Growth

When asked why women and minorities are vital to the industry, Jen responds, “Diversity in any industry begets innovation and creativity. Beer is no different. This seems obvious in recent trends in the market with brewery closures, shifting tastes of consumers, and people adopting healthier lifestyles. Additionally, the fastest-growing craft beer consumer groups are people of color and women of color. Beer consumption by white men has remained the same for decades, and the same is basically true for white women. So, women of color and people of color are the future sustainability of this industry. It makes good business sense to pay attention to this. And finally, everyone should feel welcome and enjoy a sense of belonging. We can do more to ensure that taprooms, beer events, conferences, festivals and any place where people drink beer feel like spaces that are open and welcoming to all.” 

What strategies does Jen see as key to attracting more women and people of color to the industry? She reiterates, “I think we attract more women and people of color through direct marketing, creating opportunities and events that are unique and fresh and making taprooms physically more inviting and attractive.” 
Readers wanting to learn more about Jen Price and Crafted For Action should check out a future conference. People can participate by submitting a panel idea, becoming a sponsor, volunteering, spreading the word, or simply buying a ticket to attend.
Learn more:

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Women of Beer: Amanda Mailey

Amanda Mailey of Magnanimous Brewing in Tampa, Florida

By Kerri Allen

Beer fans, let's give a magnanimous welcome to Amanda Mailey, brewer for, well, Magnanimous Brewing in Tampa. Amanda has an impressive resumé, and she was happy to share her brewing history.

            “I started my beer career at Red Cypress Brewery in Winter Springs, Florida. I was hired as a bartender when the brewery opened in 2015 and was shortly promoted to bar lead. That position led me to come in, clean the tap lines and help out on canning days. I soon realized that I enjoyed working in the brewery and wanted to get back there as much as possible. I was able to start coming in on my days off to help wash kegs. After a few months of working the bar and assisting part-time in the brewery, I was hired full-time in production. Garrett Ward was the head brewer then and took the time to train me. After working on the cellar side, I was eventually trained on the brew deck and was promoted to assistant brewer. Garrett left to open up his own Sideward Brewing, and I was then promoted to head brewer."

After Red Cypress, Amanda got a lead brewer position at Ivanhoe Park Brewing in Orlando. This was the first time she could write her own recipes and brew the beer styles that interested her most. "In 2022, I won a bronze medal at the World Beer Cup for our Vienna lager," she recalls. "This award was definitely an exciting moment for me and my career. Honestly, it still seems wild and surreal to think about."

With a desire to be closer to family, Amanda eventually moved back to St. Petersburg. She notes, "Before moving back, I always made Magnanimous Brewing a stop whenever I was in Tampa. I loved the beers they were turning out and knew I wanted to join the team. I started with Magnanimous in June of 2022. When we eventually opened another production facility and taproom in Bradenton, I helped get that location up and running. It’s still rewarding to look around the brewery and see how far it’s come."

Obviously, Amanda ranks as a knowledgeable and passionate member of the craft beer community. When asked what she loves most about being a part of a brewery, she expresses an appreciation for the camaraderie shared between folks in the industry. "It’s cool being able to connect with people not only in your own city and state but also throughout the country," she says. "Not only forming friendships but also knowing that I can reach out and ask for advice and learn about their techniques."

Amanda also loves being creative when concocting new recipes and beers. Magnanimous recently celebrated its third anniversary in October, and Amanda's team tried a variety of barrel-aged beers to decide how to blend them for a few anniversary beers. "It’s fun discovering what flavors everyone else is picking up when comparing tasting notes,” she explains. "This is solid proof that most breweries are families, and teamwork makes the dream work. At the end of the day, I really love going to work and making beer with some rad people who are some of the smartest and funniest people around. It’s always been a good balance of taking the job seriously but also having fun.”

Amanda considers herself fortunate to work for men who have supported and encouraged her career. However, she still notes that her biggest challenge sometimes revolves around being seen as an equal in a male-dominated industry. She adds, "I always feel that I need to prove myself more than my male colleagues. While at work, I hate asking for help because I never want my height or size to stop me from completing a task and then having my coworkers think they have to do my job for me. There have also been countless times I’ve been at a beer festival, and someone automatically asks my male coworker a question about the beers instead of me, even though I’m the one who brewed them. This seems like an issue that many women face in the industry. Women have to sort of over-compensate to be seen as equals. I’ve observed other women in the industry burn out because they feel like they need to push themselves at work and then perform extra duties outside of work to get a seat at the table.”

On the flip side of these challenges, hard work that one enjoys always offers rewards. Amanda notes that her greatest reward revolves around creating a product that many people will enjoy. She declares, “It’s kind of surreal to think that I’ve been brewing for a while now, and I still get a sense of pride and excitement when seeing someone drinking a beer I brewed."

            When asked why women and minorities are vital to the industry and how we can attract more, Amanda responds, “Women and minorities are vital to the beer industry because they bring different perspectives and new ideas. If we want to expand the beer consumer demographic, we need to include people with different backgrounds and perspectives involved in all aspects of beer. This means not only brewing the beer but also being involved in marketing, sales and management.”

Amanda makes the point that everyone in the craft beer industry possesses the power to change the business for the better. Amanda relates, “I enjoy being involved in the industry and making it a safe and welcoming space for everyone. I've been a member of The Pink Boots Society since 2017 and held a board position in the Florida chapter since 2019. I've been the social media manager for the Women's Craft Fermentation Alliance's WIBS Craft Fermentation Summit for the past two years. In South Florida, we also host the FemAle Brew Fest, which showcases women who work in production, marketing, sales, management and brewery ownership. Organizations and events like these help promote women and minorities in the beer industry and attract more."

     Breweries that host Pink Boots Society collaboration brew days help provide education and experience for women. Having the female staff and members of the organization get together to develop a beer recipe, brew the beer and design the label demonstrates that the brewery values women in the industry and points out the wide array of available careers.

            Beer lovers wanting to learn more about Amanda and drink her beer should definitely plan a trip to Tampa. If you are in the area in March, Amanda invites you to swing by Magnanimous Brewing during Tampa Bay Beer Week, which takes place March 2-10. She plans to offer some impressive collaboration brews and special beer releases each day of the celebration. 


Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Women of Beer: Ally Duffy with Wild Leap Atlanta

By Kerri Allen

Many people know Wild Leap Brew Company from their hip beers, such as Alpha Abstraction Double IPA, but did you know that Wild Leap recently hired a rockin' female brewer for their Atlanta location? Meet Ally Duffy of Wild Leap Atlanta.

Ally did not start with the idea of being a brewer. Although a fan of craft beer, she was pursuing a different path. Ally talks about her circuitous route to head brewer by recalling, “I started 'beertending' part-time at my friends’ A Little Madness Brewing in Pensacola while working full-time in marine biology for the US EPA and finishing graduate school for my master's degree in biology. I was already a craft beer enthusiast, but I felt inspired by all the creative ideas and experimentation I didn’t realize went into brewing a beer."

A Fortuitous Meeting

After finishing her degree, Ally and her “now-husband” moved to Columbus, Georgia. Being landlocked, she decided to temporarily return to craft beer while searching for a science job. "This temporary plan turned into a newfound passion and career when I met the brewers of LaGrange's Wild Leap Brew at an event," she recalls. "I joined their production team in April of 2020, started in the 940-barrel capacity cellar, and was quickly cross-trained to brew 30-barrel batches of Wild Leap's core and seasonal beers.”

Later in 2020, due to the pandemic, Ally and her husband moved to Knoxville, Tennessee. About her growth as a brewer, Ally comments, “I continued as an assistant brewer until I felt I had outgrown that role and wanted to brew my own recipes.” When she was ready, Ally landed the job as head brewer at Knoxville's Elst Brewing Company, where her duties included brewing, cellaring and kegging all of the products by herself. "These challenges taught me how to work with and around my strengths and weaknesses and honed my creative problem-solving skills," she notes. "Working alone at Elst taught me to trust my knowledge and gut instincts. I sometimes had to make snap decisions in the best interest of the beer without being able to ask for a second opinion, and this is one of the greatest skills I left with.”

Georgia on Her Mind

On coming full circle and moving back to Georgia to rejoin Wild Leap, Ally relates, “The well-rounded experience within all of the production roles at Elst prepared me for my current role as head brewer of Wild Leap Atlanta. I run a five-barrel brewhouse at the Atlanta facility with an 80-barrel capacity cellar. I choose what beers we make and get to add an experimental component to each recipe, meaning we are trying a new ingredient or technique with every single batch we brew. I will eventually be in charge of a small team and look forward to the fun beers we’ll be producing!”

When asked about her favorite aspect of being in the brewing industry, Ally talks about the critical link between creativity and teamwork. Ally enthusiastically states, “Brewing is a technical craft, a science and an art. I loved using the scientific method to develop research questions and perform experiments as a marine biologist. Brewing allows me to continue to apply these background skills while expressing my creativity through ingredients to create art.”

A Rewarding Work Environment

As with any job, having a good work environment helps foster enthusiasm and passion, making the hard work worthwhile. How does Ally's current position fit in this love of brewing? She observes, “It can be rare in our industry to find a company where the ownership, production staff and front-of-house staff all work together smoothly as a dedicated, cohesive team. It takes a healthy company culture to achieve this; Wild Leap has focused on these goals from the start. When I come to work, I know we all respect each others’ important roles and are there to work together toward the common goal of selling our products and creating memorable experiences for our guests. We all support each other in pushing the brewery's creative direction forward and pushing ourselves to perform our best and grow in our respective roles. I love this feeling!”

In the still male-dominated world of brewing, some folks still forget that women can do anything that men can do.  When asked about her biggest challenge and greatest reward, Ally confides, “Earning respect as a woman in this male-dominated industry has undoubtedly been one of my biggest challenges, especially when I had to start over in a new city. I was one of four female brewers within an hour's radius at the time and the only female brewer in the city limits of Knoxville by the time I left Elst. From dealing with biased views such as 'Can she even lift a bag of grain or operate a forklift?' to being treated differently by freight delivery drivers or being called rude names by a few colleagues in the industry, I've had to step up and prove my worth constantly. My greatest rewards are defying expectations and rising to a head brewer role. Knowing my current bosses trust my vision for the beers and will offer me mentorship to help me grow has proven invaluable.”

The Importance of Inclusion

As to why women are vital to the industry, Ally brings up her respect for uniqueness and diversity. She explains, “Every single person on this planet perceives the world in a unique way. When you want your product to be as unique as possible to compete in an inundated market, why wouldn’t you hire as many diverse types of people as possible to bring more ideas and skills to the table? It's the responsibility of brewery ownership and production managers to invest in hiring, supporting and promoting more women, non-binary folks and BIPOC in this industry. Owners and managers must also write and enforce codes of conduct for all their employees to create safe workspaces where everyone is respected. Word spreads quickly in the service industry, and workers know which establishments have good reputations and which ones they should avoid. If you strive to create a truly inclusive company, more diverse groups of people will want to work for you.”

In addition to creating a safe and equitable work environment, Ally shares a few ideas on attracting more women to the brewing industry. “Spreading awareness about various roles in the brewing industry creates another pathway for engaging more people," she notes. "While working in production and bartending is considered labor-intensive with lots of bending, heavy lifting and working on your feet all day, women are absolutely physically capable of these tasks. Ladies might have to apply some creative problem-solving to get the job done by working around stature and physical abilities, and a truly supportive manager will have no problem helping troubleshoot if needed. The manual labor jobs aren’t the only option either. There are also plenty of other opportunities in craft beer such as marketing, graphic design, sales, distribution, administrative roles and more.”

Atlanta craft beer enthusiasts have embraced Ally's beers at the atmospheric Wild Leap Atlanta taproom, conveniently located near downtown's Mercedes-Benz Stadium. “My first beers at Wild Leap Atlanta were released during the first week of September and are available in the taproom only, so I invite everyone to visit us," Ally says. "Besides beer, we offer craft cocktails with our in-house spirits, mocktails and vodka-based slushies, so there’s something for everyone.” Thanks, Ally - please save us a bar stool.

This article was first published in:

Lynette Shoaf of Low Road Brewing in Hammond, Louisiana

By Kerri Allen
Imagine taking over your favorite brewery because you liked it so much and didn’t want to see it go away. Lynette Shoaf and her husband, Tim, did exactly this with Low Road Brewing in Hammond, Louisiana. The community's thirsty patrons have been appreciative ever since. 
According to Lynette, “Low Road was originally opened in 2017 by a former homebrewer after retiring from a corporate career. My husband, Tim, and I enjoyed the atmosphere and became regulars in the taproom. We were avid home mead makers at the time, and the original Low Road owner would invite homebrewers to bring their recipes in to brew with him. The brewery would then feature the guest beer on tap for a month. This experience was our introduction to brewing beer, and we brewed with him several times over the first few years. In early 2020, the original owner wanted to retire again, and we decided to purchase the brewery. We didn't want to see the brewery close and felt we could grow the business. We signed the purchase agreement the week before COVID shut the world down. We continued working full-time jobs in the corporate world while operating the brewery once restrictions allowed us to open at partial capacity. This allowed us to keep the brewery open.”
Raise your pints to Louisiana's first female head brewer - Lynette Shoaf! In early discussions, her husband and fellow owner, Tim, would be the brewer, and Lynette would handle the front of the house and other business areas. Like any good story, this one has a twist. Lynette shares, “We quickly realized I was better at recipe creation, and I really developed a passion for brewing. I started learning as much as I could about brewing through books, professional organization resources and from other brewers. Tim stepped back from the brewery, and I became the first female head brewer in the state.”

Tim and Lynette Shoaf 
Challenges Create Strength
After dealing with the pandemic and all of its challenges for businesses, Lynette and Tim have been successful in growing Low Road. Lynette recalls, “In late 2021, we changed our licensing from a brewpub to a manufacturing brewery so we could go into distribution. This has really fueled significant growth for our brand. With only a 3-bbl brewhouse, it requires a lot of brewing to keep up with taproom and distribution demand.” 
Being flexible and working through challenges says much about Lynette's passion for the craft and her understanding of the business. Owning a brewery is not a walk in the park. People who do not know better probably imagine a leisurely brew day with a relaxing pint at the end. However, those familiar with professional brewing understand the huge amount of work, cleaning and maintenance involved. These are the challenges of living out the dream of making beer for the public. On this thread, Lynette comments, “Even though we eventually added some part-time brewhouse and taproom staff, I was often working 15-18 hour days between my other job and the brewery, and the stress began to take a significant toll on my health. I eventually decided to leave my job in the corporate world to focus on our brewery full-time.”
When asked about her favorite part of being involved in a brewery, Lynette responds, “I love working in an industry where the other brewery owners and staff are collaborative and supportive of each other, rather than being competitive like most other industries. Most people in craft beer seem more than happy to share knowledge and resources and work together to improve the industry.” 
The Low Road Team
An Evolving Brewing Landscape
Every good job has its challenges and rewards. Lynette says that her biggest challenge “has been staying profitable in a constantly changing environment. Changing consumer habits and tastes and rising ingredient and supply costs, paired with availability issues, often create a struggle. Craft beer consumers expect our core brands to be consistent, available, and reasonably priced. When ingredient prices rise, or something isn't available, we can't always substitute something else without affecting the final product. So, you might have to raise prices, which the market will only tolerate so much. We never want to run out of one of our core products. It's much harder to bring consumers back to that product once they move on to something else. Fortunately, the majority of our beers are traditional beer styles. Our top sellers are an American lager and an Irish red ale, so current trends moving consumers back to these traditional styles actually work in our favor.” 
What is rewarding after all of the challenges? Lynette states, “The greatest reward is when a patron comes into the taproom for the first time, and I get to see their reaction when they try my beer. If they have no idea who I am, and they appreciate my beer, it's a wonderful feeling. Having people genuinely enjoy something I created makes it worth the long hours, hard work and stress-filled days.”
Low Road's Brewhouse
Not All Brewers Have Beards
Women make up half the population of the world. So many industries miss opportunities to have amazing people working in them because of a “boys club” mentality. When asked why women are important to the industry, Lynette responds, “Just like any industry, a variety of people with different ideas, backgrounds and personalities are vital for growth. If everyone in the industry is the same with the same ideas, the craft beer industry stagnates. We need the creativity and variety that arise from having many different people in the industry, each challenging the others to improve."
For craft breweries to attract more women, Lynette believes that the public's perception of a craft brewer needs to change. "There have been many instances in our taproom or at a craft beer event where someone assumes Tim is the brewer," she relates. "They ask him about a particular recipe or process, and when he admits that he doesn't know and that I'm the brewer, people sometimes don't believe him. I've been referred to as 'the owner's wife' or 'the brewer's wife' on multiple occasions. The expectation that a brewer has to be a 30-something white male with a beard needs to shift.” 
Community Connections
What can people expect when paying a visit to Low Road Brewing? Lynette stresses that Low Road is a brewery with a heart for the community. She adds, “One of the things we love about owning a brewery is that it gives us a great platform to support veterans. Our top-selling beer, Twenty-Two American Lager, is brewed specifically for this purpose. We donate 22% from sales of this beer to Irreverent Warriors, a nationwide program that works to improve veteran mental health and prevent veteran suicides. We also host an annual amateur wing cookoff and homebrew competition called 'Wings & Ale.' This November festival raises funds for our local VFW.” Head on down to Low Road Brewing in Hammond, Louisiana, hoist a tasty pint and help some deserving veterans in the process. 
This article was first published in:
 Photos Courtesy of Low Road Brewing

Monday, July 17, 2023

Tasty Southeastern Beer Reviews & Food Pairings


By Owen Ogletree and Kerri Allen
Hooter Brown
Oyster City Brewing Company
Apalachicola, Florida
Imperial Brown Ale, 8.5% ABV
Deep brown in color with a moderate tan head, this beer offers aromas of dark malt, cocoa, chocolate, toffee, pie crust and mild, pleasant, dark fruit esters. The palate picks up alcohol warmth along with slightly sweet malt complexity backed by caramel and chocolate candy notes. There's also complexity from nuances of raisin, fig and ripe plum esters. Appropriately, almost no roasted malt character emerges in this wonderfully malty, medium-bodied brown ale. Pair with desserts such as cheesecake, fruit tarts and French vanilla ice cream.
Imperial Hopsecutioner IPA
Terrapin Beer Company
Athens, Georgia
Double IPA, 9.8% ABV
Almost clear with just a hint of haze, the deep amber color and long-lasting off-white foam make this strong ale quite attractive. Look for moderate aromas originating from a range of U.S. hops that are reminiscent of citrus, pineapple and pine resin. The hefty malt bill also comes through on the nose with notes of caramel and toffee. A bit sweet for style, the beer's crystal malts and toasted malts are lightly balanced by tropical, resiny hop flavors. The big malt canvas could perhaps benefit from a bit more hop bitterness, and the beer finishes malty and boozy with a hint of alcohol spice and warmth. Pair this potent ale with gumbo, pad Thai or Indian butter chicken.
Retrospect IPA
Arches Brewing
Hapeville, Georgia
West Coast-Style IPA, 6.5% ABV
This ale pours with a deep amber color that falls on the dark end of the style's color spectrum. Brilliantly clear, the ale also boasts a substantial layer of tan foam. The nose picks up malt, caramel, toasted bread crust, light fruity esters and hop notes of citrus, pine resin and a hint of blood orange pith. On the tongue, malty, toffee-like notes appear up front, followed by earthy hop flavors and hints of pine bark. Hop bitterness seems mild for the style, but the beer comes across as quite approachable. One taster noticed a nuance of dark berries and pineapple in the ester profile. Pour this beer alongside turkey burgers with brown mustard or lemon pepper chicken wings.
Passion on Ponce IPA
Three Taverns Craft Brewery
Decatur, Georgia
American IPA with Passion Fruit, Orange & Guava, 7.5% ABV
With a deep gold color and apricot hue, this fruited IPA pours with a fluffy off-white head and almost perfect clarity. Expect aroma notes of rich passion fruit along with some orange hints and an earthy, tropical fruit juice character. A touch of hoppy pine resin notes comes through in the background. The flavors seem more balanced than the fruity nose, with citrusy American hops peeking through the fruit canvas. On the palate, a light malt character transitions quickly into a mélange of orange pith, tart passion fruit and earthy guava. The beer finishes dry with a light/medium body and a tasty bitter hop/fruit nuance that lingers on the back of the tongue in a welcoming way. Drink this beer with a plate of Caribbean grilled shrimp or jerk chicken with grilled pineapple. 
Italian-Style Pilz
Ology Brewing Company
Tallahassee, Florida
Italian-Style Pilsner, 5.0% ABV
Expecting a crystal-clear, crisp pilsner? Think again. Ology's take on the style pours with a gold/orange hue and appropriate white foam, but the lager showcases an unexpected haze. Aromas come through that make the beer seem more like a hop-forward hazy pale ale with tropical fruit notes. There's pilsner malt in the smell, along with significant New World hop character. On the palate, the beer again comes across like a hazy India Pale Lager with earthy hops, mineral-rich water and tropical fruit notes similar to light papaya. The beer finishes with a chalky dryness and pleasing hop nuance. Overall, this selection is delicious and enjoyable, even if it doesn't match the Italian pilsner style guidelines to a tee. White pizza or raw oysters would make a beautiful match for this lager.
Pales in Comparison
Edmund's Oast Brewing
Charleston, South Carolina
Double Dry-Hopped Hazy Pale Ale, 5.0% ABV
The beer pours with a golden color, moderate haze and a light layer of off-white bubbles. Aroma notes include green tea, jasmine, Mandarin oranges, kiwi fruit, light malt and cereal grains. Upon taking a sip, the palate registers many of the same aroma characteristics. There are also hints of buttery cashews and light, fruity hop flavor notes. The ale finishes dry with mild hop bitterness and a tropical citrus nuance. This pale ale's malt profile produces an appealing, refreshing, light body and character. The cereal grains help create the haze and perhaps somewhat mute the malt and hop complexity. The dry nature of this beer makes for a smart pairing with gyoza potstickers or shrimp with lobster sauce.
Wild Streak
Bearded Iris Brewing
Nashville, Tennessee
Sour Ale with Rosemary, Orange Peel & Vanilla, 5.1% ABV
A golden tone, white foam and slight haze highlight the appearance of this complex sour ale. Rosemary and other herb notes dominate the aroma profile, with peppercorns, crisp lactic acid, passion fruit, citrus peel, lemon and cucumber nuances emerging to enhance the overall flavor canvas. Expect a light body and crisp, refreshing, fruity, dry finish that continues to showcase the rosemary/herbal character after swallowing. The beer seems reminiscent of a dry, lightly acidic, refreshing white wine. Good pairings would include green olives, linguine with clam sauce or oven-roasted potatoes.
Chandeleur Island Brewing Company
Gulfport, Mississippi
Golden Ale, 5.0% ABV
With a golden tone, nice layer of white foam and attractive clarity, this quaffable golden ale serves up mild malt aromas and flavors of lightly sweet bread along with some cereal notes from additions of wheat and corn. The light body comes across as soft and lightly creamy with a hint of malt sweetness in the finish, balanced by a touch of citrusy American hop flavor and mild bitterness. Fruity esters are restrained, and the ale could almost pass for a lager, due to the clean nature of the mouthfeel and finish. This classic "beer-flavored-beer" shines with subtle complexity and good technical merit. In the spirit of the Gulf Coast, this beer would pair perfectly with a grouper sandwich and fries.
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